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He was a young blond-haired, blue-eyed journeyman for the Magician's Guild at the time of the Massacre of the Kai. The Guildmaster sent him on a mission to inform the Kai of Zagarna's impending invasion and that they must cancel their celebration of the Feast of Fehmarn. The message was too little too late. He delivered it to the last of the Kai, Lone Wolf at the ruins of Raumas. He and Lone Wolf were to become lifelong comrades and would defend their homeland against the agents of Naar many times in the years to come. Banedon gave Lone Wolf his crystal star pendant as a token of this budding friendship.
The Brotherhood was founded to seek power. It was a matter of wisdom and tradition that they held to the Left-hand path. The Guild was ruled by a Guildmaster and a council of twelve Elders. The guildmaster at the time of the Massacre of the Kai played a large role in the early years of Lone Wolf's quest. Other noteworhty members of the Brotherhood are: Banedon, Vonotar, Loren, Artel, Heikon and Martat.
The Magician's Guild had a prophecy that two young men, one a warrior and one a mage from the Brotherhood, would ally themselves and reign over Magnamund bringing an era of peace and prosperity. Vonotar the Traitor believed he was the fulfillment of this prophecy when he joined with Zagarna. Banedon and Lone Wolf were the true fulfillment of this prophecy.