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Michael E. Wayne

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Lone Wolf in the DanargLone Wolf in the Danarg
Copyright © 1994 Michael E. Wayne
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"You wade through ankle-deep slime for nearly an hour before reaching the edge of a huge, murky pool. Whirls and eddies disturb its surface, warning of the creatures that lurk below."

The Jungle of Horrors

The Wytch-king

The Wytch-king
Copyright © 1991 Michael E. Wayne
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"At one end of the hall is a flaming wall, and kneeling before the wall is the hunched figure of Shasarak, Wytch-king of Shadaki. His back is turned to you but he spins round the instant you arrive. He is a hideous sight. His flesh is black as if burnt by recent fires and his fingers are like claws. Half of his face is missing, and in its place is a metal plate, which is the only thing that gives shape to a livid mass of shrunken flesh and tissue. One eye is shriveled, sight-less and shrunken, the other burns into you with hatred so intense that it almost forces you back a step."

The War of the Wizards


Copyright © 1994 Michael E. Wayne
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"You spin around to see a figure standing in the doorway. He is tall and his sharp features are framed by a mane of flowing platinum hair. In his left hand he carries a wizard's staff and in his right he holds a feathered quill, the pen of the creature who was once his scribe."

The Plague Lords of Ruel

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