[Lesson I] [Exercises]
A. Vocabulary
Not applicable.
B. Pluralization
- archers
- archers
- armies
- armies
- animals
- soldiers
- slaves
- horses
- children
- thieves
- humans
- friends
- dogs
- enemies
- we
- akamazim
- dika
- eguda
- kikagonim
- kordaka
- zizinim
- rekenara
- zegora
- dokim
- okakim
- oka
C. Basic Sentence Structure, Present Tense and Articles
1. Translate the following:
- Zegor jat.
- Zegor jat.
- Zutaagona gaj.
- Duldug zaj.
- Rekenarim dakagog.
- Dik zek.
- Dok ekor.
- Gorak nar.
- Ok narg.
- Okak narg.
- Kordak ogot.
- Orgar shaag.
- Dok daka.
- Orgadak gaj.
- Shadim shaag.
- Lag dandon.
- Konkor zaj.
- Okakim ogot.
- Luga dat.
- Igginim dan.
- Odakara akag.
- Kuz zek.
- Zizi odak.
- Kikagonim narg.
- Nenrak dakagog.
- Egud dan.
- The baby is sleeping.
- The children stand.
- A woman defends.
- Doomwolves are.
- The horses run.
- A dog is digging.
- The enemies charge.
- Leaders rest.
- The monsters are moving.
- A thief hides.
- You guard.
- Thou are retreating.
- They are defending.
- Some humans fall.
- The giaks sit.
- The scouts die.
- An animan moves.
- The doomwolves are resting.
- The enemies defend.
- The sergeant sleeps.
- An army shoots.
- The guard is digging.
- Some officers are.
- A soldier is falling.
- The archer sits.
- The hunter is hiding.
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