Giak Tutorial

Lesson I: Answers

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[Lesson I] [Exercises]

A. Vocabulary

Not applicable.

B. Pluralization

  1. archers
  2. archers
  3. armies
  4. armies
  5. animals
  6. soldiers
  7. slaves
  8. horses
  9. children
  10. thieves
  11. humans
  12. friends
  13. dogs
  1. enemies
  2. we
  3. akamazim
  4. dika
  5. eguda
  6. kikagonim
  7. kordaka
  8. zizinim
  9. rekenara
  10. zegora
  11. dokim
  12. okakim
  13. oka

C. Basic Sentence Structure, Present Tense and Articles

1. Translate the following:

  1. Zegor jat.
  2. Zegor jat.
  3. Zutaagona gaj.
  4. Duldug zaj.
  5. Rekenarim dakagog.
  6. Dik zek.
  7. Dok ekor.
  8. Gorak nar.
  9. Ok narg.
  10. Okak narg.
  11. Kordak ogot.
  12. Orgar shaag.
  13. Dok daka.
  14. Orgadak gaj.
  15. Shadim shaag.
  16. Lag dandon.
  17. Konkor zaj.
  18. Okakim ogot.
  19. Luga dat.
  20. Igginim dan.
  21. Odakara akag.
  22. Kuz zek.
  23. Zizi odak.
  24. Kikagonim narg.
  25. Nenrak dakagog.
  26. Egud dan.
  27. The baby is sleeping.
  28. The children stand.
  29. A woman defends.
  30. Doomwolves are.
  31. The horses run.
  32. A dog is digging.
  33. The enemies charge.
  34. Leaders rest.
  35. The monsters are moving.
  36. A thief hides.
  37. You guard.
  38. Thou are retreating.
  39. They are defending.
  40. Some humans fall.
  41. The giaks sit.
  42. The scouts die.
  43. An animan moves.
  44. The doomwolves are resting.
  45. The enemies defend.
  46. The sergeant sleeps.
  47. An army shoots.
  48. The guard is digging.
  49. Some officers are.
  50. A soldier is falling.
  51. The archer sits.
  52. The hunter is hiding.

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