Giak Tutorial

Lesson I: Exercises

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[Lesson I] [Answers]

A. Vocabulary

Write down all of the vocabulary words and their translations on a piece of paper as a quick reference. This is intended to reinforce the vocabulary and also give you something to refer to as you are doing the rest of the exercises. Try to refer to it as little as possible so that you learn the vocabulary.

If you have 3x5 cards or something similar, it would be helpful to make flash cards for yourself. A flash card has the Giak word on one side and its translation on the reverse. With flash cards you can quiz yourself by looking at one side and trying to remember its translation.

A suggested layout for your flash cards:

 ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------
 | (front)                       |  | (reverse)                     |
 |        1. Akag \'a-kag\       |  |         1. Defend             |
 |        2. . . .               |  |         2. . . .              |
 |        3. . . .               |  |         3. . . .              |
 |        .                      |  |         .                     |
 |        .                      |  |         .                     |
 |        .                      |  |         .                     |
 ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------

The item in number 1 corresponds to a word in Lesson I, number 2 corresponds to one in Lesson II, etc. If done correctly, you will be able to fit all eight lessons' vocabulary on less than fifty cards.

B. Pluralization

Write down the translations of the following words.

  1. dulduga
  2. duldugim
  3. orgarim
  4. orgara
  5. goraka
  6. shadim
  7. kuzim
  8. nozoda
  9. igginim
  10. nenrakim
  11. orgadaka
  12. lugim
  13. shega
  1. gaza
  2. okim
  3. doomwolves
  4. spies
  5. captains
  6. merchants
  7. sergeants
  8. females
  9. scouts
  10. giaks
  11. they
  12. you (remember that 'you' is plural)
  13. we

C. Basic Sentence Structure, Present Tense and Articles

Write down the translations of the following:

  1. The giak sleeps.
  2. A giak is sleeping.
  3. Some undead die.
  4. An archer is shooting.
  5. The scouts run.
  6. A spy hides.
  7. She falls.
  8. An animal is digging.
  9. I am.
  10. Thou are.
  11. The Sergeant is retreating.
  12. The army charges.
  13. It moves.
  14. The human is dying.
  15. Some soldiers are charging.
  16. A baby sits.
  17. The hunter shoots.
  18. You retreat.
  19. The friends are resting.
  20. Some children stand.
  21. The guards defend.
  22. A slave is hiding.
  23. The woman guards.
  24. Merchants are.
  25. A theif runs.
  26. The captain stands.
  27. Lag jat.
  28. Igginim dan.
  29. Zizi akag.
  30. Akamaza narg.
  31. Nozodim dakagog.
  32. Sheg nar.
  33. Gazim shaag.
  34. Oknarim dat.
  35. Zutgorak daka.
  36. Nenrak zek.
  37. Okim odak.
  38. Okak ogot.
  39. Doka akag.
  40. Orgadakim ekor.
  41. Zegora dandon.
  42. Rekenar gaj.
  43. Gorak daka.
  44. Akamazim dat.
  45. Gaza akag.
  46. Kordak jat.
  47. Orgar zaj.
  48. Ordakar nar.
  49. Oknarim narg.
  50. Shad ekor.
  51. Duldug dandon.
  52. Konkor zek.
