Giak Tutorial

Lesson III: Answers

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[Lesson III] [Exercises]

A. Vocabulary

  1. Weak: Strong
  2. Loose: Tight
  3. Long: Short
  4. Big: Small
  5. Far: Near
  6. Blind: Deaf
  7. Soft: Hard
  1. Nad: Gadaj: Edzar
  2. Jet: Haag
  3. Tagog: Jatnek
  4. Lenag: Kaat
  5. Razi: Gour
  6. Joz: Hug
  1. Hel
  2. Orange
  3. Gug
  4. White
  5. Wet
  6. Yellow
  1. Ak
  2. Zut
  3. Adag
  4. Shug
  5. Brown
  6. Trap

B. Modifiers

  1. Bad trap
  2. Green bottle
  3. Wet dog
  4. Orange soldier
  5. Soft human
  6. Hard giak
  1. Konkor razi
  2. Mok lozon
  3. Heza liga
  4. Dorgar gudjag
  5. Orgar stuzor
  6. Adez ak
  1. The green giak is eating cold food.
  2. Why doesn't he cook it?
  3. Humans want hot food.
  4. The bad slave burns the brown barracks.
  5. I smell some orange monsters.
  6. They are hiding near.
  7. Who is the dark leader?
  8. The archer shoots high.
  9. The undead drinks black blood.
  10. A hunter cuts deeply.
  11. How is the doomwolf deaf?
  12. The orange hammer doesn't fall.
  13. The army is tight.
  14. A new female is killing the dark thief.
  15. Lug jet zee naog ok.
  16. Odakar gug akag mok lozon.
  17. Dikrak Gudjag narg staz.
  18. Lag liga jat.
  19. Ok narg ekig.
  20. Zegor jok oka, "¿ Ega okakim ek jogg ?"
  21. Shadim ak kag moggadorim gudjag.
  22. Igginim gour narg neni.
  23. ¿ On okak ek gag razi ?
  24. Gee, dokim shez akamaz tukor.
  25. ¿ Teg okaka jeg ?
  26. Rekenar moton ruzzar gazad.

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